Hello all,
How to generate a hole?
I used a darkbox with "Holotoolkit/WindowOcclusion" shader on it.
I already have one hole where the user want to place the hiden object in a darkbox.
But the idea is to generate a hole where the raycast hit. The user has the possibility to continue to break the wall like this example:
I tried with RemoveSurfaceVertices.RemoveSurfaceVerticesWithinBounds(sphereGO) to remove vertices from the Spatial Mapping Mesh...
Hole in a wall with Hololens
How to generate a hole?
I used a darkbox with "Holotoolkit/WindowOcclusion" shader on it.
I already have one hole where the user want to place the hiden object in a darkbox.
But the idea is to generate a hole where the raycast hit. The user has the possibility to continue to break the wall like this example:
I tried with RemoveSurfaceVertices.RemoveSurfaceVerticesWithinBounds(sphereGO) to remove vertices from the Spatial Mapping Mesh...
Hole in a wall with Hololens