Using unity 5.4 at the moment, but this also happens in unity 5.3.4.
This simple change (and of course having either Oculus or HTC vive plugged in) drops our FPS from 450 to 50 (a simple environment with a few rocks, plants, trees, single directional light).
Our goal is 75-95 fps, but even just a simple environment we can't get it above 50.
Is any one else seeing this issue? How can we solve it? We are seriously considering switching to Unreal, as other teams are having good results with...
PC build at 450 FPS, turning on VR Support drops to 50 FPS
This simple change (and of course having either Oculus or HTC vive plugged in) drops our FPS from 450 to 50 (a simple environment with a few rocks, plants, trees, single directional light).
Our goal is 75-95 fps, but even just a simple environment we can't get it above 50.
Is any one else seeing this issue? How can we solve it? We are seriously considering switching to Unreal, as other teams are having good results with...
PC build at 450 FPS, turning on VR Support drops to 50 FPS