I'm having a lot of screen jitter at values as small as 5,000 from origin when using VR. It seams that the floating point precision issues are magnified when using VR, does anyone have any good solutions for this? I don't think moving the world is viable for me.
I could in theory do some hack things where I teleport the player but 5,000 from origin would not normally cause floating point issues so I'm wondering what's up here.
I'm having a lot of screen jitter at values as small as 5,000 from origin when using VR. It seams that the floating point precision issues are magnified when using VR, does anyone have any good solutions for this? I don't think moving the world is viable for me.
I could in theory do some hack things where I teleport the player but 5,000 from origin would not normally cause floating point issues so I'm wondering what's up here.