Hello Everyone I am working on my first google cardboard app at the moment and have been working on the magnetic trigger inputs and ran into some issues.
Currently I am using cardboard controls + ( https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/25243) and the magnetic trigger is very iffy much of the time . The trigger is occasionally detected But only if I hold it near the carboard , never if I actually place it within the headset. I assumed it was an issue with my...
Google Cardboard V1 magnetic trigger issues , any advice ?
Currently I am using cardboard controls + ( https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/25243) and the magnetic trigger is very iffy much of the time . The trigger is occasionally detected But only if I hold it near the carboard , never if I actually place it within the headset. I assumed it was an issue with my...
Google Cardboard V1 magnetic trigger issues , any advice ?