I have created a terrain with houses on a hillside. When I use Vuforia AR Camera the houses display perfectly on my target image however the terrain does not. I found this video which seems to have a solution which I have tried. It improved the position of the terrain however the terrain is still not aligned with houses and also does not rotate when I rotate target image. (Basically creating Terrain 3D object under the default trackable event script)...
Vuforia AR Camera not working with terrain object
I have created a terrain with houses on a hillside. When I use Vuforia AR Camera the houses display perfectly on my target image however the terrain does not. I found this video which seems to have a solution which I have tried. It improved the position of the terrain however the terrain is still not aligned with houses and also does not rotate when I rotate target image. (Basically creating Terrain 3D object under the default trackable event script)...
Vuforia AR Camera not working with terrain object